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  • 23 May 2024 4:09 PM | Linda Hague (Administrator)

    On a beautiful sunny day at the newly resurfaced Bay Crow Canyon, the Rossmoor Men's Tennis Team faced a tough challenge, losing 3 out of 5 matches. 

    • Line #1: Bob Benz and Yoshi Fukamiya faced a very strong team and were defeated 1/6, 5/7.
    • Line #2: Co-captain Stuart Coffey and Al Peters struggled against another strong pair, losing 0/6, 1/6.
    • Line #3: In a marathon match lasting over two hours, Aric Ludwig and Tim Walker put up a competitive fight but ultimately lost 4/6, 6/7.  The match featured many strong ground strokes and closely contested points.
    • Line #4: Captain Bernie Wolf and David Hickey secured a win with a solid performance, defeating their opponents 6/0, 6/4.
    • Line #5: Dave Kern and Barry Brian were dominant, winning their match decisively at 6/1, 6/2.

    Bay Crow Canyon was a gracious host, providing chips, dip, wraps, and a variety of drinks and snacks. The Rossmoor Men's team looks forward to a rematch when Crow Canyon visits Rossmoor in the future.

    Left to right:  Bob Benz, Al Peters, Tim Walker, Aric Ludwig, David Hickey, Dave Kern, Captain Bernie Wolf, Yoshi Fukamiya.  In front kneeling:  Barry Brian, Stuart Coffey.

  • 9 May 2024 4:12 PM | Linda Hague (Administrator)

    The Rossmoor Men's Team showcased their prowess at Roundhill Country Club on May 8, securing a victorious outcome in their recent matches. The picturesque setting of RHCC, coupled with recently resurfaced courts, provided an ideal backdrop for the competition. 

    Competition went as follows:

    • Line #1, Chris Slee and Captain Bernie Wolf clinched victory in a thrilling third-set tiebreaker, 6/2, 4/6, 10/8. This match was the longest and took resilience and determination. 
    • Line #2, represented by co-captain Stuart Coffey and Barry Brian, staged a remarkable comeback in the second set after trailing 2/5, ultimately winning in straight sets of 6/0 and 7/5.
    • Line #3, Al Peters and David Besenfelder secured a solid win with scores of 6/3 and 6/3, showcasing their skill and coordination on the court.
    • Line #4, Richard Schulman and Tim Walker faced a strong team and lost in two sets with scores of 4/6 and 1/6.
    • Line #5, the Dave and Dave team of Dave Kern and David Hickeyclaimed victory by default when their opponents retired due to illness while tied at 5/5 in the first set.

    The Round Hill team was most gracious as always and offered post-match beverages and camaraderie.  The deck for this has a beautiful vantage point overseeing the courts.

    With this triumph under their belt, the Men's Team from Rossmoor eagerly anticipates hosting  Round Hill in a future match at Rossmoor.


    Men's tennis players , from left, Tim Walker, Al Peters, David Besenfelder, Barry Brian, Dave Kern, Chris Slee, Richard Schulman, Captain Bernie Wolf, David Hickey; In front kneeling, Stuart Coffey


  • 30 Apr 2024 4:27 PM | Linda Hague (Administrator)

    The Rossmoor Men's Team had a varied performance against the Moraga Country Club on April 24, resulting in a draw overall. While Lines 1 and 2 suffered losses in straight sets, Lines 3 and 4 achieved victories in straight sets.

    • Line #1, comprised of Bob Benz and Stuart Coffey, faced tough competition and ultimately lost with scores of 4/6 and 3/6.
    • Line #2, represented by David Hickey and Barry Brian, also encountered challenges and were defeated with scores of 1/6 and 0/6.
    • Line #3, led by Bernie Wolf and Al Peters, demonstrated remarkable teamwork and skill, secured a win with scores of 6/1 and 6/2, which saw intense rallies.
    • Line #4, featuring Richard Schulman and Ike Ichikawa, delivered a strong performance, triumphing in straight sets with scores of 6/3 and 6/3.

    After the match, the Moraga players exhibited sportsmanship by treating the Rossmoor Men to soft drinks and beers at the bar. Both teams enjoyed socializing and catching up on club news while relaxing on the picturesque patio.

    The Moraga Country Club recently expanded its recreational offerings with the introduction of new pickleball and bocce ball courts, enriching the range of activities available to its members. Despite these new additions, the club remains dedicated to maintaining its esteemed tennis facility, which continues to receive praise for its beauty from visitors.


    Men's tennis players are, from left,  Al Peters, Ike Ichikawa, Stuart Coffey, Bob Benz, Richard Schulman, Barry Brian, Captain Bernie Wolf,  David Hickey

  • 14 Apr 2024 8:46 AM | Linda Hague (Administrator)

    On April 10, the warmest day so far this year, the Oakland Hills Men's Team defeated the Rossmoor Men's Tennis Team at the Buckeye courts, winning 3 out of 5 matches. Here's a summary of the outcomes at each line:

    Line 1:  Stuart Coffey and Yoshi Fukamiya lost a tough first set and won the 2nd before losing the third set tiebreaker, 6/7 (7/1), 6/3, 6/10.

    Line 2:  Two octogenarians Al Peters and David Hickey prevailed for Rossmoor in the longest match of the day that lasted  2 1/2 hours. Usually, 3rdsets are played as ten-point tiebreakers but these warriors decided to play a full 3rd set in spite of the warm weather. The final score was  4/6, 6/2, 6/4.

    Line 3:  Siva Sivasubramanian and Bert Sebilia lost by a score of  2/6, 2/6.

    Line 4:  Bernie Wolf and Ike Ichikawa triumphed in two sets by a score of  6/4, 7/6 (7/3).

    Line 5:  Chas Stumpfel and Jerry Robinson lost by  1/6, 2/6.

    The matches were closely contested, with some going to tiebreakers and third sets. The players showed determination and sportsmanship. Everyone enjoyed refreshments and camaraderie after the matches. These teams will meet again in the next matchup at Oakland Hills.


    Left to right - Siva Sivasubramanian, Ike Ichikawa, Chas Stumpfel, Bert Sebilia, David Hickey, Jerry Robinson, Captain Bernie Wolf, Al Peters, Stuart Coffey, Yoshi Fukamiya

  • 3 Apr 2024 10:08 AM | Linda Hague (Administrator)

    The Rossmoor men's tennis team embraced innovation during its recent practice session, turning a canceled match into an engaging opportunity for all involved. Spearheaded by co-captain Stuart Coffey, the team embarked on a unique format that fostered camaraderie and team spirit.

    With the cancellation of their match against Blackhawk Country Club, Coffey seized the opportunity to introduce a fresh approach to their practice routine. Twelve teams were selected in advance from those who signed up for this practice to ensure a more diverse mix of players across skill levels on each team. Utilizing six courts allowed for efficient game play and maximized participation.

    The format of the matches was carefully crafted to provide a different and challenging experience. In the first round, each player served one game. Following this initial round, players had the opportunity to switch pairings on their court. An additional four games were then played, further testing the players' skills and teamwork.

    The excitement didn't stop there. In the second round, the teams were randomly paired using the Randarray function in Excel, injecting a new element of unpredictability into the matches. This random pairing challenged players to adapt to different playing styles and again forge new connections within the team.

    Despite the absence of official records, the intensity and enjoyment of the matches were palpable. Players truly enjoyed the chance to compete in a fresh format, one that encouraged experimentation and collaboration. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive.

    After play concluded, team members were treated to lunch and refreshments, providing an opportunity to unwind and celebrate their efforts. This combination of competitive play and camaraderie epitomizes the spirit of the Rossmoor men's tennis team.

    In conclusion, the Rossmoor men's tennis team's practice session exemplified the power of adaptability by senior players in sports. By embracing new formats and fostering a supportive team environment, members not only tested their skills but also created stronger bonds as teammates.

      Written by:  Roger Emanuel
  • 18 Mar 2024 12:16 PM | Linda Hague (Administrator)

    The Rossmoor Tennis Club Men's Team had a beautiful day for its match against Walnut Creek #1. WC#1 traditionally fields one of the strongest teams in the SMIL league and this match was no exception. 

    One bright outcome was the line 5 match with Bill Leckonby and Rich Schulman. It was a marathon and finally Rossmoor eked out a victory in the 3rd set tie-break, 10-8. This was a real nail biter. The match went so long that the beer and soft drink get together after the matches was over before the match concluded.Bill and Rich were so exhausted by the end that they were really ready for the finish.

    Here's a summary of the match results:

    Line 1: Chris Slee and David Besenfelder had their hands full against an extremely good team and lost by a score of 1-6, 0-6.

    Line 2: Stuart Coffey and Bernie Wolf fared slightly better than line 1 but were overmatched and ended up losing 1-6, 2-6.

    Line 3:  Aric Ludwig and David Hickey had a competitive match and were up 4-1 in the second set before losing by a score of 2-6, 5-7.

    Line 4: Barry Brian and Dave Kern not only partnered together for this match but recently shared the stage at a performance of the Ashmolean Singers. The Rossmoor team struggled mightily before going down by a score of 3-6, 3-6.

    Line 5: Here was the ray of light for Rossmoor. Bill Leckonby and Rich Schulman won this long match by a score of 2-6, 6-2, 10-8.

    Line 6: John Weyand and Gerry Quinlan had a challenging match and finally lost 4-6, 3-6.

    Win or lose, the Rossmoor team members loved the exercise and challenge on a pleasant outing and look forward to more matche

    Left to right,  front row: John Weyand, Rich Schulman, Captain Bernie Wolfe, Barry Brian, Stuart Coffey. Back row: Bill Leckenby, David Besenfelder, Chris Slee, Dave Kern, Jerry Quinlan, David Hickey.

  • 29 Feb 2024 4:35 PM | Linda Hague (Administrator)

    The Rossmoor Tennis Club Men's Team had a successful match against Walnut Creek #2 on February 28 in the Senior Men's Inter League (SMIL). Despite the close loss in Line #1, the team managed to win convincingly in 4 out of 5 matches, showcasing their strength and skill.

    Left to right Front Row:  Bert Sibilia,  Rich Schulman, Stuart Coffey, John Corwin.   Back Row: Al  Peters,  Frank Haswell,Charles Stumpfel,  Dave Kern,  Barry Brian,  David Hickey

    Here's a summary of the match results:

    1. Line #1: Frank Haswell and Stuart Coffey put up a good fight but ultimately lost a close match with a score of 4-6, 4-6.
    2. Line #2: Al Peters and David Hickey dominated their opponents, winning comfortably with a score of 6-1, 6-2.
    3. Line #3: Barry Brian and Dave Kern delivered a commanding performance, overwhelming their opponents with a score of 6-0, 6-0.
    4. Line #4: John Corwin and Richard Schulman secured a solid victory, winning with a score of 6-0, 6-2.
    5. Line #5: Chas Stumpfel and Bert Sebilla emerged victorious with a score of 6-4, 6-0.

    Captains Bob Satcher of Walnut Creek #2 and Bernie Wolfe of Rossmoor kept in close communication to organize the five teams.  Both teams enjoyed the camaraderie after the match, sharing snacks and drinks. The break in the winter weather likely added to the enjoyment of the day. Overall, it was a successful outing for the Rossmoor Tennis Club Men's Team.

  • 29 Feb 2024 4:03 PM | Linda Hague (Administrator)

    Despite the rain cancellations and the they posed, the Rossmoor Men's tennis team managed to have a match against the Crow Canyon Men's team at Rossmoor's Buckeye tennis complex on February 21. Coach Bernie Wolf had to work hard to reschedule matches due to the rain, but finally, he got lucky with good weather for the match.

    Team members Jerry, Shrey, Rich, Stuart, and Bob Fries showed dedication by arriving early to help dry the courts, which surely helped ensure the match could take place smoothly. The weather turned out to be beautiful for the game.

    However, the Crow Canyon teams proved to be tough opponents, winning two out of three matches:

    1. At line #1, Barry Brian and David Besenfelder were defeated with scores of 1/6 and 0/6.
    2. At line #2, Stuart Coffey and Richard Schulman also faced strong opposition and lost with scores of 4/6 and 1/6.
    3. The lone victory for Rossmoor came at line #3, where David Hickey and Al Peters emerged victorious with scores of 7/6 and 6/0.
    Despite the mixed results, the players still enjoyed their post-match tradition of drinks and snacks, appreciating the chance to relax and bond after the competition.

    Left or right: Al Peters, David Hickey, Barry Brian, David Besenfelder, Rich Schulman, Stuart Coffey

  • 19 Jan 2024 8:58 AM | Linda Hague (Administrator)

    Men's Tennis Team: Triple Tiebreak Triumph

    Finally the rain let up enough for the Men's Tennis team to have a match on January 17th, against the Moraga Country Club Men's team.  The prior two matches had to be cancelled twice each, due to rain on Wednesdays.  Although it had rained the night before this match, the Men's team came out early to get the courts ready in time for this match.

    Rossmoor Men prevailed over Moraga in all 3 lines.  One of Moraga's teams decided not to play because the courts were still a little damp and those players were fearful of falling and getting hurt. 

    Line 1 was Frank Haswell and David Besenfelder.  That team prevailed 6/4, 3/6 and 10/7 in a 3rd set 10 point tiebreaker.  This was the longest match of the day.

    Playing at Line 2 Bernie Wolf and Al Peters also won in a 3rd set tiebreaker: 2/6, 6/0 and 10/4.

    Line 3 was Bert Sebilia and Marc Parham who also won in 3 sets: 7/5, 1/6 and 10/7.  Third set tiebreakers were the feature of the day!

    Fortunately, no one got hurt due to the courts being still wet in places. After the matches ended players enjoyed soft drinks, beer and snacks and a chance to visit.  The team was happy to finally get a match completed and come away victorious.


    Left to Right:  Marc Parham, Al Peters, Bert Sebilia, Bernie Wolf

  • 2 Dec 2023 7:50 AM | Anonymous

    The Rossmoor men's tennis team lost their match on November 29.  As always, Walnut Creek #1 had very strong teams, and despite the efforts of Rossmoor's top teams, they fell in straight sets. Chris Slee and Yoshi Fukamiya lost the 1st line match at 6-1, 6-2. Frank Haswell and Larry Barclay were defeated in the 2nd line, 6-3, 6-3. The David team of David Hickey and David Besenfelder likewise fell in their match, 6-4, 6-1. However, Al Peters and Bill Leckonby managed to secure a victory in the 4th line, 6-1, 6-3 preventing a complete sweep.

    There were weather challenges caused by earlier rain. Olympic brooming efforts by teamers John Corwin and Ike Ichikawa and with the help of some sun and wind, the courts were playable. Co-captain Stuart Coffey coordinated the court preparedness effort and was instrumental in enabling the event to take place. It sometimes takes a village to get the courts ready and this collaborative effort made it happen.

    Despite the loss, Rossmoor looks forward to the challenge of tough competition from Walnut Creek #1 in future matches.

    Left to right: Larry Barclay, Frank Haswell, Al Peters, Bill Leckonby, Chris Slee, David Besenfelder,  Yoshi Fukamiya, and David Hickey 

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