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CA 94595

Rossmoor Men's Tennis Team Loses Hard-Fought Match to Bay Crow Canyon

23 May 2024 4:09 PM | Linda Hague (Administrator)

On a beautiful sunny day at the newly resurfaced Bay Crow Canyon, the Rossmoor Men's Tennis Team faced a tough challenge, losing 3 out of 5 matches. 

  • Line #1: Bob Benz and Yoshi Fukamiya faced a very strong team and were defeated 1/6, 5/7.
  • Line #2: Co-captain Stuart Coffey and Al Peters struggled against another strong pair, losing 0/6, 1/6.
  • Line #3: In a marathon match lasting over two hours, Aric Ludwig and Tim Walker put up a competitive fight but ultimately lost 4/6, 6/7.  The match featured many strong ground strokes and closely contested points.
  • Line #4: Captain Bernie Wolf and David Hickey secured a win with a solid performance, defeating their opponents 6/0, 6/4.
  • Line #5: Dave Kern and Barry Brian were dominant, winning their match decisively at 6/1, 6/2.

Bay Crow Canyon was a gracious host, providing chips, dip, wraps, and a variety of drinks and snacks. The Rossmoor Men's team looks forward to a rematch when Crow Canyon visits Rossmoor in the future.

Left to right:  Bob Benz, Al Peters, Tim Walker, Aric Ludwig, David Hickey, Dave Kern, Captain Bernie Wolf, Yoshi Fukamiya.  In front kneeling:  Barry Brian, Stuart Coffey.

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