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These Rules were implemented during the COVID Pandemic, Effective 17 March 2021 as updated by GRF/MOD

... Doubles Only!

  1. Buckeye Tennis Courts are for Rossmoor Residents only.
  2. Must adhere to social distancing of 6’ at all times.
  3. Masks must be worn at all times when not playing. Masks are strongly recommended while playing doubles.
  4. If sick or exposed to Covid-19, stay home.
  5. Use Hand sanitizer stations and/or wash hands for 20 seconds frequently.
  6. No sign-in at kiosk. If courts are full, alert others you are waiting.
  7. Limit to 60 minutes for match when people are waiting.
  8. Doubles play is permitted however there is no mixing of partners during a visit. Play must be with the same partner.
  9. Those waiting for court time must sit a minimum of 6’ apart, only one person per bench.
  10. No gatherings before or after matches.
  11. No sharing of club or personal equipment.
  12. No tournament play, league play, or group instruction.
  13. No handshakes or contact.
  14. BBQ area will remain closed.

Use of Golden Rain Facilities is subject to City, County, and State Health Code directives. Conditions of use may change without notice. Abuse of these rules may jeopardize the use of this facility for all Residents.

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