Your home for tennis at Rossmoor

Walnut Creek
CA 94595

RTC Board Meeting
April 20, 2015 --- President:

Mark Patterson called the meeting of the Rossmoor Tennis Club to order at 1:30PM on Monday April 20, 2015 in the Ivy Room at Stanley Dollar Club House.


Mark Patterson, Barbara Phillips, Loc Barnes, Ron Wyman , Randy Kuhl, Rolf Kvalvik and Susanne Eldridge. Absent: Barbara Schwartz and Bill Sederowitz
Guests: Steve Ritz and Roger Svoboda, both of the Rossmoor Pickleball Club.


Mark Patterson asked for the minutes of March General Board Meeting to be approved, Randy Kuhl moved and Mark Patterson seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.

Mark Patterson introduced Les Hoskyns to talk about the club’s website.    The technology part of the website is working well and has proved to be easy to access and use by the board members who have used it.    Ron Wyman’s Blogs have good information and lots of pictures.    Other areas of the site can benefit from more pictures with captions.    We still need volunteers to help with old photographic content to be captioned and added to different parts of the website.    Ron Wyman advised that he has pictures from the ‘Calendar Girls’ event from ten years back that can be added.    Can’t wait to see them!

Mark Patterson also introduced Steve Ritz, president of the Pickleball Club and Roger Svoboda, treasurer of the Pickleball Club. Rule 106.2 (use of Creekside Facilities) were discussed and a rework of the rules needs to be visited by the RTC and the RPC.   The RPC also brought up the issue of having one of the Buckeye courts striped for pickleball use.This would require a rework of the rules for Buckeye Facility use as well.

Court Engineer/Supplies:

  •  Court 1 has a new net
  •  The net on court two is getting a little shabby on the bottom, but it still works
  •  The screens on courts 3 and 4 have been unfurled
  •  The clock for courts 3/4 was removed because it stopped working correctly - a new, smaller one was installed on court 3 and another one will be installed on court 4 in the near future.
  •  The screens on courts 7/8 need to be adjusted (we discussed this)
  •  We need to reorganize some stuff and start using the new, large shed. We need to install organization shelves in the large shed.
  •  We asked the GRF to fix the cracking grout on the granite counter top - we may have to ask them again.
  •  A bunch of pencils have been left at the Buckeye kiosk.


Rolf Kvalvik, Chairperson, advised that the tournament with the Villages this past weekend went very smoothly, thanks to the tournament director Ron Wyman. The Rossmoor team prevailed and won by 2 points, so the plaque will be returned to Rossmoor. Lunch with beer and wine was served in the social area after play. The total expense for the tournament was $70.00 under budget. The New Member Tournament will be held on April 25, the director is Sally Nordwall. Trilogy of Rio Vista will be visiting Rossmoor on May 16th, look for signup sheet on May 1 at the kiosk at Buckeye Center. The Memorial Day Tournament is coming up on May 23.

Wild Card:

Next tournament is on May 2nd, sign up sheet is located at the kiosk at Buckeye Center. Check out Rossmoor News and the website for details.

Secretary: Susanne Eldridge nothing to report.


Barbara Schwartz's report shows a checking balance as of 4/4/15 to be $9,405.57. The expenses for the large shed by court 2 came in.

Vice President/Trophies Report:

Randy Kuhl reported that he has received a requested format for the Round Hill tournament (there July 12), still to be accepted by RTC. The Round Hill Tournament held at Buckeye on March 21 was won by RTC. The expense was $130.00 under budget.
Randy Kuhl advised that he is investigating different ways to honor and thank RTC long time volunteers and will present ideas to the board at the next board meeting.


Ron Wyman advised that everything is going smoothly.

Facilities and Maintenance:

Jerry McConnell absent.


Nancy McConnell absent.


Loc Barnes advised that we had 110 persons attending the Spring Fling. Everyone seem to enjoy themselves.
Rolf Kvalvik motioned and Randy Kuhl seconded that the 2 persons organizing the different social events should have a free dinner as thanks for their hard work.

Membership and Reservations:

Joyce Niebur absent.

Old Business:

New Business:

Discussing the Round Hill requested tournament format.

The next Board Meeting will held at 1:30 PM on Monday May 18, 2015 at the Ivy Room at the Stanley Dollar Club House.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:
Susanne Eldridge, RTC Secretary

Location Rossmoor

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