Your home for tennis at Rossmoor

Walnut Creek
CA 94595

RTC Board Meeting
August 18, 2014 --- Meeting Minutes:

President Mark Patterson called the meeting of the Rossmoor Tennis Club to order at 1:35 pm on Monday, August 18, 2014 in the Ivy Room at the Stanley Dollar Club House.

Present: Mark Patterson, Dick Normington, Dave Kern, Randy Kuhl, Barbara Schwartz, Barbara Phillips, Bill Sederowitz, Les Hoskyns, Mike Ying, Dave Sperry, Joyce Niebur, and Susanne Eldridge. (Absent: Loc Barnes)

President: Mark Patterson reported that we have one more Grillmeister, Rob Ingalls. The minutes of July General Meeting was approved.

Treasurer: Barbara Schwartz reported that the club is financially strong with a checkbook balance of $13,593.67 as of August 16, 2014.

Vice President: Dick Normington reported that the Rule R106.1 was presented to the GRF Policy Committee, the content was approved but the format will be redone by the GRF to their specification. Due to damage to edge of pavers and a recent incident where a resident drove their golf cart into a post in the social area, damaging the post and their cart, Jeff Matheson requested that golf carts would not be allowed in the social area of Buckeye Tennis Center except for loading and unloading. Carts are only allowed to be parked in the area outside the Rossmoor Tennis Club sign between Courts ½ and ¾. Dave Kern suggested that GRF designate an area under the oaktree for cart parking. An addendum to the Rules will be presented to the Policy Committee in respect to golf carts.

Court Engineer/Supplies: Bill Sederowitz advised that a sign with the Rule 106.1 will be made and posted at the Tennis Center once the GRF has approved the addendum.

Social Area Committee: Mark Patterson has invited the Fire Department to speak at a board meeting and give safety demonstration. No firm commitment has been received yet.

Grillmeisters training sessions has been done on site at Saturday BBQs. The BBQs will continue to the end of September if there are available Grillmeisters and the weather permits. As a safety measure private use of the BBQ is not permitted even by trained Grillmeisters. The social area may be used by any Rossmoor resident and their guests.

Shed/Ball Machine Committee: The Buckeye Tennis project has been signed off on by the city and GRF and we can proceed with installation of the shed. The cost for the cement slab to be poured for placement of the shed is $2,500.00, however the GRF has no money for it. The committee is considering the cost of the slab and the shed (shed cost appr. $2,000.00) before continuing with the project. (Will GRF allow the club to pour the slab?)

Lost and Found: A few items were left behind after the Saturday tournament and lost/found is located in the same unlocked cabinet as the First Aid Kit, i.e. under the sink in the kitchen area.


  • Randy Kuhl advised that the Women's Doubles tournament went well, No surprises as to the 4 first placed women. Becky Reiss, Sherry Endicott, Linda Davis and Mary Jane Kiefer.
  • Trilogy Tournament is on August 23 at Rio Vista, Rossmoor is fielding 3 men's doubles, 3 women's doubles and 2 mixed doubles teams with Mark Patterson as the captain.
  • Rossmoor Turns 50 Tournament is on Saturday August 30, sign up sheets are posted at the Buckeye kiosk, More men participants are needed.
  • Men's Doubles Tournament is Saturday September 13. Signup sheets should be posted 2 weeks in advance. Bob Juengert is tournament director.
  • Calcutta Tournament is scheduled for October 10-12. Friday October 10 is the auction and play on Saturday and Sunday. Dave Sperry is the host with Pauline Hanley as the co-host.
  • Villages Tournament 2015: Dates have been set for April 18, 2015 at Rossmoor and October 17, 2015 at The Villages.

Website Discussion: Mark Patterson introduced Les Hoskyns who led a discussion on the club's data collection efforts related to the development of the RTC website. The board accepted a motion to proceed with the effort. A committee made up of Mark Patterson, Joyce Niebur, Gery Yearout, Randy Kuhl, and Les Hoskyns will report on it's work at next board meeting.

Secretary: Susanne Eldridge reminded everyone to inform her about new events for the calendar.

Publicity: Dave Kern will publicize the tournaments in Rossmoor News.

Facilities and Maintenance: Jerry McConnell absent

Sunshine: Nancy McConnell absent.

Social: Loc Barnes absent.

Membership and Reservations: Joyce Niebur reminds us to get the Sneakers and Spikes reservation in to her.
We have 252 members to date.

Old Business: Mike Ying turned in a report on monogrammed shirts and caps.

New Business:

  1. Annual service awards were discussed.
  2. The board discussed and voted for a new alcohol policy. The board voted to discontinue supplying hard liquor at club events. The 2014 Holiday Party will be the last event to serve hard liquor, after that we will only serve beer and wine. Members who desire hard liquor at future events may bring their own. (BYOB)

Next board meeting will be held 1:30pm on Monday September 15, 2014 at the Ivy Room at Stanley Dollar Club House. The meeting was adjourned at 4:10pm.

Respectfully submitted by:
Susanne Eldridge, RTC Secretary

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