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CA 94595

Men's Tennis Team falls to Walnut Creek #1

2 Dec 2023 7:50 AM | Anonymous

The Rossmoor men's tennis team lost their match on November 29.  As always, Walnut Creek #1 had very strong teams, and despite the efforts of Rossmoor's top teams, they fell in straight sets. Chris Slee and Yoshi Fukamiya lost the 1st line match at 6-1, 6-2. Frank Haswell and Larry Barclay were defeated in the 2nd line, 6-3, 6-3. The David team of David Hickey and David Besenfelder likewise fell in their match, 6-4, 6-1. However, Al Peters and Bill Leckonby managed to secure a victory in the 4th line, 6-1, 6-3 preventing a complete sweep.

There were weather challenges caused by earlier rain. Olympic brooming efforts by teamers John Corwin and Ike Ichikawa and with the help of some sun and wind, the courts were playable. Co-captain Stuart Coffey coordinated the court preparedness effort and was instrumental in enabling the event to take place. It sometimes takes a village to get the courts ready and this collaborative effort made it happen.

Despite the loss, Rossmoor looks forward to the challenge of tough competition from Walnut Creek #1 in future matches.

Left to right: Larry Barclay, Frank Haswell, Al Peters, Bill Leckonby, Chris Slee, David Besenfelder,  Yoshi Fukamiya, and David Hickey 

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